SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2007
So... I was fundamentally opposed to creating blogs or personal websites of any sort, HOWEVER, under duress from a fellow co-worker I was forced into starting what I am sure will be yet another diversion from more intellectual and productive pursuits... be that as it may...
Hmmm.... what to say... well I suppose when one really has nothing interesting to talk about, the weather is always a good subject. This past winter has been quite "mezurashii" as they would say in Japanese. It's hardly snowed at all! On the other hand, last year was absolutely freezing. Sometimes our apartment was down to 3 degrees celsius and there was snow on the ground until May! The Japanese people said last winter was also "mezurashii". Which naturally leaves me to wonder whether there are ever any "futsu" winters around here. Anyway, it started snowing last night and has been going non-stop all day. Normally, I'm not a big fan of snow... except on the ski slopes that is... but I was actually happy that it snowed today! It's so pretty outside! Snow can make even the humblest of Japanese mountain towns look picturesque. I'll probably get tired of the snow eventually... my general take on snow being that the people who find it the most charming are those who don't actually have to live daily life in it. Yes... I am speaking directly to all my friends and family who are presently basking in the sunshine of LA. - Snow is not that cool.
But you can judge for yourself: